Wanyange Girls Secondary has not always been where it is. Nor is it staying where it is today. Get the quick facts of how this growth has come about:
November 1959:The Busoga Lukiiko (Parliament)including the Isebantu met and discussed the issue of education for girls.
November 1959:The Lukiiko convened again later passé a resolution about starting a school on this land- a hill near the local administration offices. They allocated money, the councilors then went on and conducted a tour of the land and had it surveyed, the Local Busoga government council voted for land covering 103.3 acres of Wanyange Hill for the site of Girls Secondary School.
December 1959: The road up to the hill was constructed by Mowlem, construction of houses also started with 2 dormitories, 3 classrooms, 1 home management lab, 3 staff flats.
March 1st 1960: School opened first term temporarily at Buckley High School in Iganga. Ag. Headmistress was Ms. Kasibira (Now Mrs. Were)
June 20th 1960
Foundation stone was laid by the Bishop of Uganda Dr. Leslie Brown on the HillSeptember 13th 1960: First meeting of the Board of Governors at the School
August 5th 1961: First parents Day-Chief Guest was the Kyabazinga of Busoga-Henry Muloki
July 1962-1966: First experiment in intergrated education for the blind was introduced at the school
December 1963: Pioneer students sat for Junior Leaving Examinations. 3 candidates were awarded the King George V Memorial Scholarship. (E. Kagemba, R Kwagala and J. Bakirya)
August 7th 1964:The first Wanyange Re-Union. 43 former students attended.
1967:The school attained the status of a senior Secondary School and got a new name; Busoga College Wanyange. It was annexxed off Busoga College Mwiri. 72 girls were admitted in S.1 with only three members of staff.
1969:School gained autonomy and inaugurated its own Board Busoga College Mwiri.
1970-64:Girls were pioneers to E.A.C.E (now U.C.E ‘O’ level)
1981:May-August:: Mrs. Turyahikayo was acting Headmistress
1981 August: The Late C.T Mulogo took over as Headmistress
1982: The school was promoted to ‘A’ level status
1984:March::Pioneer ‘A’ level students sat for U.A.C.E
1987:December:: Mrs. N.K Menya took over as Headmistress
1989: The water pump from water Aid in U.K was delivered at the school. (There was a great relief)
Construction of more staff quarters.
Construction and completion of more classrooms and Computer Laboratory.
All weather road constructed into the school gate.
Improved enrollment and improved performance in public examinations.
Fencing the entire school area, classrooms and dormitories, staff quarters and sports field.
2013 on: Exploring, ascertaining and Remarking the school land boundaries.
2013 on: Tree planting taken very seriously.
Purhcase of two minibuses.
Construction and completion of School Chapel/Main Hall.
Expansion of the School Sick Bay/Dispensary.
Constructing more toilets and incinerators plus hand washing points.
Replacing asbestos roofing with the healthier iron roofing on many buildings.
Improvements in the kitchen; better energy saving stoves, providing potable water to ALL all the time, fencing off, more furniture etc…
1971:Ms. M.D. Haden became the Headmistress
1973:New Wanyange Board was formed
1978: Parents Teachers Association (PTA) was formed and Mr. Myeera G. Was its first Chairman.
October 12th 1978:Tata Lorry was acquired in the school and is currently in use.
September 30th:The new access road is opened by the then Minister of Education Brigadier Barnabas Kili
1990: A three classroom block was constructed
1991: A three classroom block was constructed with assistance of the EDF (EEC) as a Micro Project Scheme. Special tribute goes thru to the then C.M of Mafubira County Hon. Victoria Sekitoleko who facilitated this project.
1992:Improvised a library facility and donations of books were received from: The British Council, Rotary club of Jinja (Twice), World Vision.
1992: Ministry of Education and Sports and the school purchased a pick-up double cabin
1994:Construction of the three room ‘A’ level block
1995:The school celebrated 35 years of existence.
1997:Renovation of the entire infrastructure in the school was carried out, Scholarship scheme for excelling students was started.
1998:23rd November::The then Minister of Education and Sports now prime minister Hon. Dr. Apollo Nsibambi visited the school.
1999: June:: The school Generator was purchased, Construction of a three unit staff feat started, Computer project started with seven sets of computers and two printers
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Improving on sanitation facilities; handwashing points