The Mosquito Project

The prepared repellant was applied in the already selected sites.
What’s the most dangerous creature on earth? Without question the answer is: the mosquito. Mosquitoes and the diseases they spread have been responsible for killing more people than all the wars in history. Even today, mosquitoes transmitting malaria kill 2 million to 3 million people and infect another 200 million or more every year. Tens of millions more are killed and debilitated by a host of other mosquito-borne diseases, including filariasis, yellow fever, dengue and encephalitis
Robotics in Wanyange Girls Secondary school
The school has a robotics club that was started in 2017. We managed to get a robotics kit where we encourage students to build and program a robot. This was in line with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). We successfully represented the school in the national science fare were we emerged 2nd runners.

Civil and Structural Engineering
“Civil engineers and structural engineers both help shape the world and improve people’s lives by designing, creating and maintaining the buildings and large structures that we need. They build all sorts of things so we can get around and live our lives safely – from roads, bridges and tunnels to railways, hospitals and airports.”
Students took part in a problem solving completion to improve on poor transport in the different parts of the country. From their research, they realized that some areas are in accessible due to poor bridges that join different parts of the country using the road network.
They used simple materials such as timber, and wood glue to design a bridge which was a success and an award winning project at national. The bridge supported upto 10kgs of weight.