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– UCE Questions O Level
– O Level Practical Work
– Excretion/Homeostasis
– P530-2 UNEB Biology 2019
– Excretion/Homeostasis
– S2/S3 Mosquito Project
– S3 Respiration
– S3 Excretion Excercise
– S3 Nutrition
– S3 The Villus notes
– S3 Exercise
– S3 Practical Task 04
– S3 Activity

– S3 Indicators
– S3 Ecercise
– S3 Task 01
– S3 Task 02
– S3 Chemistry work
– S3 Chemistry Task
– S3 Chemistry Task Solutions

– S3 Chemistry Task












NEW= S 3 Class:
Try to access these books for home Study support for Literature:
1. The Voice of the People by Omtatah (covered so far)
2. Grief Child by Lawrence Darmani
3. The return of Mgofu by Francis
4. Shadows of Time by Victor Byamazima
5. Growing up with Poetry by David Rubadiri.

– S3 Maths Work 1
– S 3 & S4 Vectors
– S3 Maths Work 1

– S3 Maths work
– S2/3/4 Work 15

– S3 Exercise
– S2/3/4 Inequalities
– S3 Activity – – – –




 South Africa Excercise
History East Africa
– East AFrica
– S3 East Africa

– S.Africa Great Trek
– East Africa Revision

– South Africa
– S3 South Africa




– S3 work 03 Apr
– S3-6 Studio Tech Exc
– S3 Immaginative comp
– S3 – S6 Studio Techno

– Computer Communication
– Computer Studies Summarized
– Database Management Sys
– Introduction to Web Design

– notes on trends

– Presentation software

– Connecting Peripherals
 ICT PAPER 1 FOR S 840 1
– MS Excel Quiz
– Ethics & Security Quiz
– Network Quiz
– Glossary
– Learn MSAccess 1
– Learn MSAccess 2
– Learn MSAccess 3
– S3/4 Networking
– S3/4 The Internet
– The Internet & the www
– S3 ICT Activity
– ICT Software
– S3 Paper 1 Activity
– S3/4 Paper1 Activity


– S3 Home Man Work
– S3 Kitchen Plan
– Kitchen Plan Work
– S3 F & N Activity
– S3 Meal Patterns
– S3 Foods/Nutrition Notesl
– S3 FN Task
– S3 FN Vegeterianism


– Language S3
– English S3 work 11
– English Lang S3
– English Lang S3
– S3 Comprehension
– S3 Literature Task
– S3 Language Task
– S3 Grammar Task

– Commerce notes
– S3 Commerce
– Money and Banking
– S3 Commerce Task
– S3 Commerce Task 06
– S3 Stock Exchange
– S3 Commerce Task07
– S3 Stock Exchange
– S3 Intern/Ext Trade


– S3 Science Self-Teaching





Task – 22 May
– Questions 22 May
– Exercise -28 May


– Les prépositions S 3/4
– Les articles définis pour S 3/4
– Le passé composé + L’imparfait

– Les articles definis S 3/4
– How to use auquel … S/4.
– French Gramm Collect S2,3/4
 Poemes for ALL

– S3/4 Direct/Indirect
– S3/4 Grammar Revise
– S3/S4 314/3 Activity
– S3/4 314/3 Activity

– S3/4 314/3 Activity
– S3/4 Compr Ecrite 01
– S3/4 Compr Ecrite 02
– S3/4 Compr Ecrite 03
– S3/4 Compr Ecrite 04
– S3/4 Compr Ecrite 05
– S3/4 Compr Ecrite 06
– S3/4 Compr Ecrite 07
– S3/4 314/3 Activity

– S3/4 314/3 Work




– Chemicals of life

– UCE Questions O Level
– Coordination Control
– Reproduction in Organisms
– O Level Practical Work
– Growth/Development in Plants
– Disection Rats – Drawings
 Growth & Develpopment
– Flower Anatomy
 S4 Mosquito project
– Gaseous Xchange Questions
– Transport/Gaseous Xch notes
– Growth & Development
– Ecology
– Transport in Living things
– Diversity & Classification
 Nucleic Acid notes
 Data based questions
– S4 Locomotion Questions
– S4 Practical Work
– O Level Cells work
– Histology
– Cockroach Work
– S4 Genetics Notes
– S4 Locomotion Notes
– S4 Mitosis & Meosis
– S4 Practical Exercise
– S4 Fill in Exercise
– S4 Data Question
– S4 Exercise
– S4 Exercise 02
– S4 Practical Task
– S4 Activity

 O Level Chemistry Notes
– S4 Exercise
– O Level Past Papers
– S4 Exercise
– S4 Task 01
– S4 Mole Concept
– S4 Extraction of Metals
– S4 Chemistry work
– S4 Paper1 Activity
– S4 Chemistry Task

– S4 UCE Mock P – 06 June
– S4 Vectors Work -06 June
– S4 Task on Vectors – 24 July

– The Italian Unification
– Chad Civil War
– French revolution S 5
History work S1 03 Apr
 History East Africa S3 03Apr
– East AFrica S3 26 April 20
– East Africa S2 26 April 20
– S3 East Africa 28 April 20

– S2 East Africa Quest 05 May
– S2 Slave Trade 06 May
– S.Africa Great Trek -30 May
– East Africa Revision -30 May

– South Africa – 12 June
– S2 Activity – 05 Aug
– S3 South Africa – 05 Aug


– Studio Tech S4
– Studio Tech work for S4
– Studio Tech for S4
– S 4 IPS work
– S4 & S6 course Work
– S3 Immaginative comp

 ICT PAPER 1 FOR S 840 1
– MS Excel Quiz
– Ethics & Security Quiz
– Network Quiz
– Glossary
– Learn MSAccess 1
– Learn MSAccess 2
– Learn MSAccess 3
– S4,5,6 Quiz

– S3/4 Networking
– S3/4 The Internet
– The Internet & the www
– ICT Software
– S3/4 Paper1 Activity


– Meat & Eggs S4

– S4 Home Man Work
– S4 F & N Activity
– S4 F & N Planning
– S4 Foods & N Notes
– S4 Foods/Nutrition Notes
– S4 FN Task
– S4 FN – Fats & Oils


– Literature S4
– Language S4
– Literature S4
– English Lang S4
– English Lang S4 P1
– S4 Language Task
– S4 Language Task

– S4 Summary Task
– S4 Litterature Task
– S4 Literature Task
– S4 Language Task
– S4 Summary Task
– S4 Literature Task

– Imflation notes
– Unemployment notes
– Commerce notes

– S4 Commerce
– Money and Banking
– S4 Commerce Task
– S4 Commerce Task07
– S4 Market Research
– S4 Commerce Task08
– S4 Marketing, Tax…


– S4 Science Self Teach 02 May


– S2,3,4 Questions
– Goats, Sheep & Rabbits
– S4 Sample Questions


– Les prépositions
– Les articles définis pour
– Le passé composé + L’imparfait

– Les articles definis
– How to use auquel
– French Gramm Collect
 Poemes for ALL

– S4 Prepo.. de temps
– S4 Prepo.. quel(le)
– S4 La negation
– S4 L’imparfait
– S4 Pronom Relatif
– S3/4 Direct/Indirect
– S4 Après avoir/être
– S2/3/4 Activity Gramm
– S2 Activity Gramm

– S3/4 Grammar Revise
– S2-4 Express Ecrite 01
– S2-4 Express Ecrite 02
– S2-4 Express Ecrite 03
– S2-4 Express Ecrite 04
– S2-4 Express Ecrite 05
– S2-4 Express Ecrite 06
– S3/S4 314/3 Activity
– S3/4 314/3 Activity

– S3/4 314/3 Activity
– S3/4 Compr Ecrite
– S3/4 Compr Ecrite
– S3/4 Compr Ecrite
– S3/4 Compr Ecrite
– S3/4 Compr Ecrite
– S3/4 Compr Ecrite
– S3/4 Compr Ecrite
– S3/4 314/3 Activity

– S3/4 314/3 Work



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