Mrs Harriet Kate Migereko
Chairman Board of GovernorsMrs. Migereko assumed the Chairmanship of the Board on 25 November 2020. She is a seasoned Administrator who retired from public service to run her family businesses. In her life of service she has been very influential in many ways in the lives of many people. She is currently into Agriculture and the Hospitality business. At Wanyange Girls Secondary School, she has been very passionate about helping the vulnerable girls by providing sanitary ware in addition to promoting professionalism among the staff. She is also a seasoned member of Secondary School Boards and brings to the school Board a wealth of experience. With her, she has a very strong team of Board members who also come with a very rich experience to the new Board for the next three years

Basekanakyo Deborah
HeadteacherHeadmistress Wanyange Girls since 2012. It is our aim that girls should leave Wanyange at ease with themselves and ready to face with confidence the challenges of university life and beyond. We are extremely proud of our national reputation for outstanding public examination results and of our consistent success in securing places for our students at the most highly selective and prestigious universities in the country.

Bogere Sanon Moses
Deputy HeadteacherDeputy Headteacher Wanyange Girls. A professional teacher of Chemistry/ Biology. Very keen on ensuring good discipline, confidence building, independent thinking and reliability among the students. He leads the Academic Committee Team that ensures there is quality Teaching and Learning in the school “All children are a special gift from God; girls are special because of our societal prejudices and stereotypes. They need special attention just like the boys would. This defines our directed efforts towards empowering the girl child at our school.”

Awebwa Sarah Nyanja
Deputy HeadteacherA teacher of Biology and an ardent promoter of discipline and good behaviour among the girls. She spends most of her day ensuring that the girls get the best as far as social life and welfare are concerned. The Sick Bay, the school kitchen, and all health and hygiene questions and issues have their beginning on her desk. That is how her role in the school is a special one. Moreover, she still teaches her Biology diligently.

Waiswa Tifu
Director of StudiesHis is the most frequented office in the school. All teachers and students must visit his office; for admission, consultations, time table, lesson allocation, .. etc. The office also handles all Tests and Examinations besides coordination matters of Preps and special lessons. Tifu is a teacher of Physics/ Mathematics. He usually stands taller than the tasks at hand. He performs his duties without reservation or bias, he serves all teachers, visitors and students with equal zeal and attention.